The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White



It is alleged that Mrs. W. has seen certain ones in the kingdom who are living lives of notorious wickedness, and who probably will never reform and be saved; and this it is urged should be sufficient to show that the visions are entitled to no confidence. This objection we are obliged to meet as we have many that have preceded it; namely,with an unqualified denial; that is in the light in which it is presented by the objector, it is false. She has indeed seen certain individuals who are outside the pale of truth, and seen that if they would pursue such and such a course, they would be saved. Under such circumstances she has seen them in the kingdom. She has never seen any person unconditionally there; and if they comply with conditions shown, they will ultimately be there; if they do not, they will fail; and then all that can be made of the vision will be that it showed them an offer of life on conditions with which they never complied. Thus a partial statement of the truth is made to do the work of an absolute falsehood. VEGW 118.1