The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White



“Sr. White has seen,” says the objector, “that every case is decided before Jesus leaves the sanctuary; and again she sees that during the thousand years the saints sit in judgment with Christ, which is a positive contradiction.” This objection must have been put in just to swell the list. It would almost be an imposition on the good sense of the reader to enter into a formal explanation of it. It need only be remarked that the decision that takes place before Christ leaves the sanctuary, is simply a decision as to who are the righteous and who are wicked; while the work that the saints perform in conjunction with Christ during the thousand years, is not to decide who are the wicked, but only to mete out to those already decided to be such, the full measure of their punishment. This is most fully and minutely explained in the visions themselves. VEGW 94.1