Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Job 11

Poor Job’s wound’s were yet bleeding, his sore still runs and ceases not, but none of his friends bring him any oil, any balm; Zophar, the third, pours into them as much vinegar as the two former had done. I. He exhibits a very high charge against Job, as proud and false in justifying himself, Job 11:1-11:4. II. He appeals to God for his conviction, and begs that God would take him to task (Job 11:5) and that Job might be made sensible, 1. Of God’s unerring wisdom and his inviolable justice, Job 11:6. 2. Of his unsearchable perfections, Job 11:7-11:9. 3. Of his incontestable sovereignty and uncontrollable power, Job 11:10. 4. Of the cognizance he takes of the children of men, Job 11:11, 11:12. III. He assures him that, upon his repentance and reformation (Job 11:13, 11:14), God would restore him to his former prosperity and safety (Job 11:15-11:19); but that, if he were wicked it was in vain to expect it, Job 11:20. MHBCC 448.1