Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Esther 4

We left God’s Isaac bound upon the altar and ready to be sacrificed, and the enemies triumphing in the prospect of it; but things here begin to work towards a deliverance, and they begin at the right end. I. The Jews’ friends lay to heart the danger and lament it, Esther 4:1-4:4. II. Matters are concerted between Mordecai and Esther for the preventing of it. 1. Esther enquires into this case, and receives a particular account of it, Esther 4:5-4:7. 2. Mordecai urges her to intercede with the king for a revocation of the edict, Esther 4:8, 4:9. III. Esther objects the danger of addressing the king uncalled, Esther 4:10-4:12. IV. Mordecai presses her to venture, Esther 4:13, 4:14. V. Esther, after a religious fast of three days, promises to do so (Esther 4:15-4:17), and we shall find that she sped well. MHBCC 431.1