Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Nehemiah 13

Nehemiah, having finished what he undertook for the fencing and filling of the holy city, returned to the king his master, who was not willing to be long without him, as appears (Nehemiah 13:6). But, after some time, he obtained leave to come back again to Jerusalem, to redress grievances, and purge out some corruptions which had crept in in his absence; and very active he was in reforming several abuses, which here we have an account of. I. He turned out from Israel the mixed multitude, the Moabites and Ammonites especially, Nehemiah 13:1-13:3. With a particular indignation, he expelled Tobiah out of the lodgings he had got in the court of the temple, Nehemiah 13:4-13:9. II. He secured the maintenance of the priests and Levites to them more firmly than it had been, Nehemiah 13:10-13:14. III. He restrained the profanation of the sabbath day, and provided for the due sanctification of it, Nehemiah 13:15-13:22. IV. He checked the growing mischief of marrying strange wives, Nehemiah 13:23-13:31. MHBCC 427.1