Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Ezra 6

How solemnly the foundation of the temple was laid we read in Ezra 3:1-3:13 How slowly the building went on, and with how much difficulty, we found in Ezra 4:1-Ezra 5:17 But how gloriously the topstone was at length brought forth with shoutings we find in this chapter; and even we, at this distance of time, when we read of it, may cry, “Grace, grace to it.” As for God, his work is perfect; it may be slow work, but it will be sure work. We have here, I. A recital of the decree of Cyrus for the building of the temple, Ezra 6:1-6:5. II. The enforcing of that decree by a new order from Darius for the perfecting of that work, Ezra 6:6-6:12. III. The finishing of it thereupon, Ezra 6:13-6:15. IV. The solemn dedication of it when it was built (Ezra 6:16-6:18), and the handselling of it (as I may say) with the celebration of the passover, Ezra 6:19-6:22. And now we may say that in Judah and Jerusalem things went well, very well. MHBCC 410.1