Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


2 Chronicles 15

Asa and his army were now returning in triumph from the battle, laden with spoils and adorned with the trophies of victory, the pious prince, we may now suppose, studying what he should render to God for this great favour. He knew that the work of reformation, which he had begun in his kingdom, was not perfected; his enemies abroad were subdued, but there were more dangerous enemies at home that were yet unconquered—idols in Judah and Benjamin: his victory over the former emboldened him vigorously to renew his attack upon the latter. Now here we have, I. The message which God sent to him, by a prophet, to engage him to, and encourage him in, the prosecution of his reformation, 2 Chronicles 15:1-15:7. II. The life which this message put into that good cause, and their proceedings in pursuance of it. Idols removed, 2 Chronicles 15:8. The spoil dedicated to God, 2 Chronicles 15:9-15:11. A covenant made with God, and a law for the punishing of idolaters, 2 Chronicles 15:12-15:15. A reformation at court, 2 Chronicles 15:16. Dedicated things brought into the house of God, 2 Chronicles 15:18. All well, but that the high places were permitted, 2 Chronicles 15:17. And the effect of this was great peace, 2 Chronicles 15:19. MHBCC 383.1