Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Chronicles 29

David has said what he had to say to Solomon. But he had something more to say to the congregation before he parted with them. I. He pressed them to contribute, according to their ability, towards the building and furnishing of the temple, 1 Chronicles 29:1-29:5. II. They made their presents accordingly with great generosity, 1 Chronicles 29:6-29:9. III. David offered up solemn prayers and praises to God upon that occasion (1 Chronicles 29:10-29:20), with sacrifices, 1 Chronicles 29:21, 29:22. IV. Solomon was hereupon enthroned, with great joy and magnificence, 1 Chronicles 29:23-29:25. V. David, soon after this finished his course, 1 Chronicles 29:26-29:30. And it is hard to say which shines brighter here, the setting sun or the rising sun. MHBCC 368.1