Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Chronicles 28

The account we have of David’s exit, in the beginning of the first book of Kings, does not make his sun nearly so bright as that given in this and the following chapter, where we have his solemn farewell both to his son and his subjects, and must own that he finished well. In this chapter we have, I. A general convention of the states summoned to meet, 1 Chronicles 28:1. II. A solemn declaration of the divine entail both of the crown and of the honour of building the temple upon Solomon, 1 Chronicles 28:2-28:7. III. An exhortation both to the people and to Solomon to make religion their business, 1 Chronicles 28:8-28:10. IV. The model and materials delivered to Solomon for the building of the temple, 1 Chronicles 28:11-28:19. V. Encouragement given him to undertake it and proceed in it, 1 Chronicles 28:20, 28:21. MHBCC 367.1