Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verses 1—8

After this, it is said (1 Chronicles 18:1), David did those great exploits. After the sweet communion he had had with God by the word and prayer, as mentioned in the foregoing chapter, he went on his work with extraordinary vigour and courage, conquering and to conquer. Thus Jacob, after his vision, lifted up his feet, Genesis 29:1. MHBCC 357.2

We have taken a view of these victories before, and shall now only observe, 1. Those that have been long enemies to the Israel of God will be brought down at last. The Philistines had, for several generations, been vexatious to Israel, but now David subdued them, 1 Chronicles 18:1. Thus shall all opposing rule, principality, and power, be, at the end of time, put down by the Son of David, and the most inveterate enemies shall fall before him. 2. Such is the uncertainty of this world that frequently men lose their wealth and power when they think to confirm it. Hadarezer was smitten as he went to establish his dominion, 1 Chronicles 18:3. 3. A horse is a vain thing for safety, so David said (Psalms 33:17), and it seems he believed what he said, for he houghed the chariot-horses, 1 Chronicles 18:4. Being resolved not to trust to them (Psalms 20:7), he would not use them. 4. The enemies of God’s church are often made to ruin themselves by helping one another, 1 Chronicles 18:5. The Syrians of Damascus were smitten when they came to help Hadarezer. When hand thus joins in hand they shall not only not go unpunished, but thereby they shall be gathered as the sheaves into the floor, Micah 4:11, 4:12. 5. The wealth of the sinner sometimes proves to have been laid up for the just. The Syrians brought gifts, 1 Chronicles 18:6. Their shields of gold and their brass were brought to Jerusalem, 1 Chronicles 18:7, 18:8. As the tabernacle was built of the spoils of the Egyptians, so the temple of the spoils of other Gentile nations, a happy presage of the interest the Gentiles should have in the gospel church. MHBCC 357.3