Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verses 8—17

This narrative of David’s triumph over the Philistines is much the same with that, 2 Samuel 5:17-5:25 1. Let the attack which the Philistines made upon David forbid us to be secure in any settlement or advancement, and engage us to expect molestation in this world. When we are most easy something or other may come to be a terror or vexation to us. Christ’s kingdom will thus be insulted by the serpent’s seed, especially when it makes any advances. 2. Let David’s enquiry of God, once and again, upon occasion of the Philistines’ invading him, direct us in all our ways to acknowledge God—in distress to fly to him, when we are wronged to appeal to him, and, when we know not what to do, to ask counsel at his oracles, to put ourselves under his direction, and to beg of him to show us the right way. 3. Let David’s success encourage us to resist our spiritual enemies, in observance of divine directions and dependence on divine strength. Resist the devil, and he shall flee as the Philistines did before David. 4. Let the sound of the going in the tops of the mulberry trees direct us to attend God’s motions both in his providence and in the influences of his Spirit. When we perceive God to go before us let us gird up our loins, gird on our armour, and follow him. 5. Let David’s burning the gods of the Philistines, when they fell into his hands, teach us a holy indignation against idolatry and all the remains of it. 6. Let David’s thankful acknowledgment of the hand of God in his successes direct us to bring all our sacrifices of praise to God’s altar. Not unto us, O Lord! not unto us, but to thy name give glory. 7. Let the reputation which David obtained, not only in his kingdom, but among his neighbours, be looked upon as a type and figure of the exalted honour of the Son of David (1 Chronicles 14:17): The fame of David went out into all lands; he was generally talked of, and admired by all people, and the Lord brought the fear of him upon all nations. All looked upon him as a formidable enemy and a desirable ally. Thus has God highly exalted our Redeemer, and given him a name above every name. MHBCC 353.3