Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verses 1—9

David is here brought to the possession. MHBCC 350.2

I. Of the throne of Israel, after he had reigned seven years in Hebron, over Judah only. In consideration of his relation to them (1 Chronicles 11:1), his former good services, and especially the divine designation (1 Chronicles 11:2), they anointed him their king: he covenanted to protect them, and they to bear faith and true allegiance to him, 1 Chronicles 11:3. Observe, 1. God’s counsels will be fulfilled at last, whatever difficulties lie in the way. If God had said, David shall rule, it is in vain to oppose it. 2. Men that have long stood in their own light, when they have long wearied themselves with their lying vanities, it is to be hoped, will understand the things that belong to their peace and return to their own mercies. 3. Between prince and people there is an original contract, which both ought religiously to observe. If ever any prince might have claimed an absolute despotic power, David might, and might as safely as any have been entrusted with it; and yet he made a covenant with the people, took the coronation-oath, to rule by law. MHBCC 350.3

II. Of the strong-hold of Zion, which was held by the Jebusites till David’s time. Whether David had a particular eye upon it as a place fit to make a royal city, or whether he had a promise of it from God, it seems that one of his first exploits was to make himself master of that fort; and, when he had it, he called it the city of David, 1 Chronicles 11:7. To this reference is had, Psalms 2:6. I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. See here what quickens and engages resolution in great undertakings. 1. Opposition. When the Jebusites set David at defiance, and said, Thou shalt not come hither. he resolved to force it, whatever it cost him. 2. Prospect of preferment. When David proposed to give the general’s place to him that would lead the attack upon the castle of Zion, Joab was fired with the proposal, and he went up first, and was chief. It has been said, “Take away honour out of the soldier’s eye and you cut off the spurs from his heels.” MHBCC 350.4