Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Kings 21

Ahab is still the unhappy subject of the sacred history; from the great affairs of his camp and kingdom this chapter leads us into his garden, and gives us an account of some ill things (and ill indeed they proved to him) relating to his domestic affairs. I. Ahab is sick for Naboth’s vineyard, 1 Kings 21:1-21:4. II. Naboth dies by Jezebel’s plot, that the vineyard may escheat to Ahab, 1 Kings 21:5-21:14. III. Ahab goes to take possession, 1 Kings 21:15-21:16. IV. Elijah meets him, and denounces the judgments of God against him for his injustice, 1 Kings 21:17-21:24. V. Upon his humiliation a reprieve is granted, 1 Kings 21:25-21:29. MHBCC 313.1