Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Kings 14

The kingdom being divided into that of Judah and that of Israel, we must henceforward, in these books of Kings, expect and attend their separate history, the succession of their kings, and the affairs of their kingdoms, accounted for distinctly. In this chapter we have, I. The prophecy of the destruction of Jeroboam’s house, 1 Kings 14:7-14:16. The sickness of his child was the occasion of it (1 Kings 14:1-14:6), and the death of his child the earnest of it (1 Kings 14:17, 14:18), together with the conclusion of his reign, 1 Kings 14:19, 14:20. II. The history of the declension and diminution of Rehoboam’s house and kingdom (1 Kings 14:21-14:28) and the conclusion of his reign, 1 Kings 14:29-14:31. In both we may read the mischievous consequences of sin and the calamities it brings on kingdoms and families. MHBCC 306.1