Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


2 Samuel 20

How do the clouds return after the rain! No sooner is one of David’s troubles over than another arises, as it were out of the ashes of the former, wherein the threatening is fulfilled, that the sword should never depart from his house. I. Before he reaches Jerusalem a new rebellion is raised by Sheba, 2 Samuel 20:1, 20:2. II. His first work, when he comes to Jerusalem, is to condemn his concubines to perpetual imprisonment, 2 Samuel 20:3. III. Amass, whom he entrusts to raise an army against Sheba, is too slow in his motions, which puts him into a fright, 2 Samuel 20:4-20:6. IV. One of his generals barbarously murders the other, when they are taking the field, 2 Samuel 20:7-20:13. V. Sheba is at length shut up in the city of Abel (2 Samuel 20:14, 20:15), but the citizens deliver him up to Joab, and so his rebellion is crushed, 2 Samuel 20:16-20:22. The chapter concludes with a short account of David’s great officers, 2 Samuel 20:23-20:26. MHBCC 288.1