Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


2 Samuel 19

We left David’s army in triumph and yet David himself in tears: now here we have, I. His return to himself, by the persuasion of Joab, 2 Samuel 19:1-19:8. II. His return to his kingdom from his present banishment. 1. The men of Israel were forward of themselves to bring him back, 2 Samuel 19:9, 19:10. 2. The men of Judah were dealt with by David’s agents to do it (2 Samuel 19:11-19:14) and did it, 2 Samuel 19:15. III. At the king’s coming over Jordan, Shimei’s treason is pardoned (2 Samuel 19:16-19:23), Mephibosheth’s failure is excused (2 Samuel 19:24-19:30), and Barzillai’s kindness is thankfully owned, and recompensed to his son, 2 Samuel 19:31-19:39. IV. The men of Israel quarrelled with the men of Judah, for not calling them to the ceremony of the king’s restoration, which occasioned a new rebellion, an account of which we have in the next chapter, 2 Samuel 19:40-19:43. MHBCC 287.1