Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


2 Samuel 5

How far Abner’s deserting the house of Saul, his murder, and the murder of Ish-bosheth, might contribute to the perfecting of the revolution, and the establishing of David as king over all Israel, does not appear; but, it should seem, that happy change followed presently thereupon, which in this chapter we have an account of. Here is, I. David anointed king by all the tribes, 2 Samuel 5:1-5:5. II. Making himself master of the strong-hold of Zion, 2 Samuel 5:6-5:10. III. Building himself a house and strengthening himself in his kingdom, 2 Samuel 5:11, 5:12. IV. His children that were born after this, 2 Samuel 5:13-5:16. V. His victories over the Philistines, 2 Samuel 5:17-5:25. MHBCC 273.1