Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Samuel 28

Preparations are herein making for that war which will put an end to the life and reign of Saul, and so make way for David to the throne. In this war, I. The Philistines are the aggressors and Achish their king makes David his confidant, 1 Samuel 28:1, 28:2. II. The Israelites prepare to receive them, and Saul their king makes the devil his privy-counsellor, and thereby fills the measure of his iniquity. Observe, 1. The despairing condition which Saul was in, 1 Samuel 28:3-28:6. 2. The application he made to a witch, to bring him up Samuel, 1 Samuel 28:7-28:14. 3. His discourse with the apparition, 1 Samuel 28:15-28:19. The damp it struck upon him, 1 Samuel 28:20-28:25. MHBCC 265.1