Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Samuel 13

Those that desired a king like all the nations fancied that, when they had one, they should look very great and considerable; but in this chapter we find it proved much otherwise. While Samuel was joined in commission with Saul things went well, 1 Samuel 11:7. But, now that Saul began to reign alone, all went to decay, and Samuel’s words began to be fulfilled: “You shall be consumed, both you and your king;” for never was the state of Israel further gone in a consumption than in this chapter. I. Saul appears here a very silly prince. 1. Infatuated in his counsels, 1 Samuel 13:1-13:3. 2. Invaded by his neighbours, 1 Samuel 13:4, 13:5. 3. Deserted by his soldiers, 1 Samuel 13:6, 13:7. 4. Disordered in his own spirit, and sacrificing in confusion, 1 Samuel 13:8-13:10. 5. Chidden by Samuel, 1 Samuel 13:11-13:13. 6. Rejected of God from being king, 1 Samuel 13:14. II. The people appear hear a very miserable people. 1. Disheartened and dispersed, 1 Samuel 13:6, 13:7. 2. Diminished, 1 Samuel 13:15, 13:16. 3. Plundered, 1 Samuel 13:17, 13:18. 4. Disarmed, 1 Samuel 13:19-13:23. This they got by casting off God’s government, and making themselves like the nations: all their glory departed from them. MHBCC 250.1