Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


1 Samuel 10

We left Samuel and Saul walking together, probably some private way over the fields down from Ramah, perhaps in the paths of the vineyards, and Saul expecting to hear from Samuel the word of God. Now here we have, I. The anointing of Saul then and there, 1 Samuel 10:1. The signs Samuel gave him, 1 Samuel 10:2-10:6. And instructions, 1 Samuel 10:7-10:8. II. The accomplishment of those signs to the satisfaction of Saul, 1 Samuel 10:9-10:13. III. His return to his father’s house, 1 Samuel 10:14-10:16. IV. His public election by lot, and solemn inauguration, 1 Samuel 10:17-10:25. V. His return to his own city, 1 Samuel 10:26, 10:27. It is a great work that is here a doing, the setting up not only of a monarch, but of monarchy itself, in Israel; and therefore in all the advances towards it much of God is seen. MHBCC 247.1