Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Judges 4

The method of the history of Deborah and Barak (the heroes in this chapter) is the same with that before Here is, I. Israel revolted from God, Judges 4:1. II. Israel oppressed by Jabin, Judges 4:2, 4:3. III. Israel judged by Deborah, Judges 4:4, 4:5. IV. Israel rescued out of the hands of Jabin. 1. Their deliverance is concerted between Deborah and Barak, Judges 4:6, 4:9. 2. It is accomplished by their joint-agency. Barak takes the field, Judges 4:10. Sisera, Jabin’s general, meets him, Judges 4:12, 4:13. Deborah encourages him, Judges 4:14. And God gives him a complete victory. The army routed, Judges 4:15, 4:16. The general forced to flee, Judges 4:17. And where he expected shelter he had his life stolen from him by Jael while he was asleep (Judges 4:18-4:21), which completes Barak’s triumph (Judges 4:22) and Israel’s deliverance, Judges 4:23, 4:24. MHBCC 216.1