Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Joshua 24

This chapter concludes the life and reign of Joshua, in which we have, I. The great care and pains he took to confirm the people of Israel in the true faith and worship of God, that they might, after his death, persevere therein. In order to this he called another general assembly of the heads of the congregation of Israel (Joshua 24:1) and dealt with them. 1. By way of narrative, recounting the great things God had done for them and their fathers, Joshua 24:2-24:13. 2. By way of charge to them, in consideration thereof, to serve God, Joshua 24:14. 3. By way of treaty with them, wherein he aims to bring them, (1.) To make religion their deliberate choice; and they did so, with reasons for their choice, Joshua 24:15-24:18. (2.) To make it their determinate choice, and to resolve to adhere to it, Joshua 24:19-24:24. 4. By way of covenant upon that treaty, Joshua 24:25-24:28. II. The conclusion of this history, with, 1. The death and burial of Joshua (Joshua 24:29, 24:30) and Eleazar (Joshua 24:33), and the mention of the burial of Joseph’s bones upon that occasion, Joshua 24:32. 2. A general account of the state of Israel at that time, Joshua 24:31. MHBCC 212.1