Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verses 17—23

The lot of Issachar ran from Jordan in the east to the great sea in the west, Manasseh on the south, and Zebulun on the north. A numerous tribe, Numbers 26:25. Tola, one of the judges, was of this tribe, Judges 10:1. So was Baasha, one of the kings of Israel, 1 Kings 15:27. The most considerable places in this tribe were, 1. Jezreel, in which was Ahab’s palace, and near it Naboth’s vineyard. 2. Shunem, where lived that good Shunamite that entertained Elisha. 3. The river Kishon, on the banks of which, in this tribe, Sisera was beaten by Deborah and Barak. 4. The mountains of Gilboa, on which Saul and Jonathan were slain, which were not far from Endor, where Saul consulted the witch. 5. The valley of Megiddo, where Josiah was slain near Hadad-rimmon, 2 Kings 23:29, 12:11. MHBCC 207.6