Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Numbers 28

Now that the people were numbered, orders given for the dividing of the land, and a general of the forces nominated and commissioned, one would have expected that the next chapter should begin the history of the campaign, or at least should give us an account of the ordinances of war; no, it contains the ordinances of worship, and provides that now, as they were on the point of entering Canaan, they should be sure to take their religion along with them, and not forget this, in the prosecution of their wars, Numbers 28:1, 28:2. The laws are here repeated and summed up concerning the sacrifices that were to be offered, I. Daily, Numbers 28:3-28:8. II. Weekly, Numbers 28:9, 28:10. III. Monthly, Numbers 28:11-28:15. IV. Yearly. 1. At the passover, Numbers 28:16-28:25. 2. At pentecost, Numbers 28:26-28:31. And the next chapter (Numbers 29:1-29:40) is concerning the annual solemnities of the seventh month. MHBCC 146.1