Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Numbers 26

This book is called Numbers, from the numberings of the children of Israel, of which it gives an account. Once they were numbered at Mount Sinai, in the first year after they came out of Egypt, which we had an account of, Numbers 1:1-Numbers 2:34. And now a second time they were numbered in the plains of Moab, just before they entered Canaan, and of this we have an account in this chapter. We have, I. Orders given for the doing of it, Numbers 26:1-26:4. II. A register of the families and numbers of each tribe (Numbers 26:5-26:50), and the sum total, Numbers 26:51. III. Direction given to divide the land among them, Numbers 26:52-26:56. IV. The families and numbers of the Levites by themselves, Numbers 26:57-26:62. V. Notice taken of the fulfilling of the threatening in the death of all those that were first numbered, Numbers 26:63-26:65), and to this there seems to have been a special regard in the taking and keeping of this account. MHBCC 144.1