Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Numbers 15

This chapter, which is mostly concerning sacrifice and offering, comes in between the story of two rebellions (one Numbers 14:1-14:45 the other Numbers 16:1-16:50), to signify that these legal institutions were typical of the gifts which Christ was to receive even for the rebellious, Psalms 68:18. In the foregoing chapter, upon Israel’s provocation, God had determined to destroy them, and in token of his wrath had sentenced them to perish in the wilderness. But, upon Moses’ intercession, he said, “I have pardoned;” and, in token of that mercy, in this chapter he repeats and explains some of the laws concerning offerings, to show that he was reconciled to them, notwithstanding the severe dispensation they wee under, and would not unchurch them. Here is, I. The law concerning the meat-offerings and drink-offerings (Numbers 15:1-15:12) both for Israelites and for strangers (Numbers 15:13-15:16), and a law concerning the heave-offerings of the first of their dough, Numbers 15:17-15:21. II. The law concerning sacrifices for sins of ignorance, Numbers 15:22-15:29. III. The punishment of presumptuous sins (Numbers 15:30, 15:31), and an instance given in the sabbath-breaker, Numbers 15:32-15:36. IV. A law concerning fringes, for memorandums, upon the borders of their garments, Numbers 15:37-15:41 MHBCC 133.1