Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Acts 4

In going over the last two chapters, where we met with so many good things that the apostles did, I wondered what was become of the scribes and Pharisees, and chief priests, that they did not appear to contradict and oppose them, as they had used to treat Christ himself; surely they were so confounded at first with the pouring out of the Spirit that they were for a time struck dumb! But I find we have not lost them; their forces rally again, and here we have an encounter between them and the apostles; for from the beginning the gospel met with opposition. Here, I. Peter and John are taken up, upon a warrant from the priests, and committed to jail, Acts 4:1-4:4. II. They are examined by a committee of the great sanhedrim, Acts 4:5-4:7. III. They bravely avow what they have done, and preach Christ to their persecutors, Acts 4:8-4:12. IV. Their persecutors, being unable to answer them, enjoin them silence, threatening them if they go on to preach the gospel, and so dismiss them, Acts 4:13-4:22. V. They apply to God by prayer, for the further operations of that grace which they had already experienced, Acts 4:23-4:30. VI. God owns them, both outwardly and inwardly, by manifest tokens of his presence with them, Acts 4:31-4:33. VII. The believers had their hearts knit together in holy love, and enlarged their charity to the poor, and the church flourished more than ever, to the glory of Christ, Acts 4:33-4:37. MHBCC 1023.1