Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Acts 3

In this chapter we have a miracle and a sermon: the miracle wrought to make way for the sermon, to confirm the doctrine that was to be preached, and to make way for it into the minds of the people; and then the sermon to explain the miracle, and to sow the ground which by it was broken up. I. The miracle was the healing of a man that was lame from his birth, with a word speaking (Acts 3:1-3:8), and the impression which this made upon the people, Acts 3:9-3:11. II. The scope of the sermon which was preached here upon was to bring people to Christ, to repent of their sin in crucifying him (Acts 3:12-3:19), to believe in him now that he was glorified, and to comply with the Father’s design in glorifying him, Acts 3:20-3:26. The former part of the discourse opens the wound, the latter applies the remedy. MHBCC 1022.1