Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


John 13

Our Saviour having finished his public discourses, in which he “endured the contradiction of sinners,” now applies himself to a private conversation with his friends, in which he designed the consolation of saints. Henceforward we have an account of what passed between him and his disciples, who were to be entrusted with the affairs of his household, when he was gone into a far country; the necessary instructions and comforts he furnished them with. His hour being at hand, he applies himself to set his house in order. In this chapter I. He washes his disciples’ feet, John 13:1-13:17. II. He foretels who should betray him, John 13:18-13:30. III. He instructs them in the great doctrine of his own death, and the great duty of brotherly love, John 13:31-13:35. IV. He foretels Peter’s denying him, John 13:36-13:38. MHBCC 1011.1