Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Luke 23

This chapter carries on and concludes the history of Christ’s sufferings and death. We have here, I. His arraignment before Pilate the Roman governor, Luke 23:1-23:5. II. His examination before Herod, who was tetrarch of Galilee, under the Romans likewise, Luke 23:6-23:12. III. Pilate’s struggle with the people to release Jesus, his repeated testimonies concerning his innocency, but his yielding at length to their importunity and condemning him to be crucified, Luke 23:13-23:25. IV. An account of what passed as they led him to be crucified, and his discourse to the people that followed, Luke 23:26-23:31. V. An account of what passed at the place of execution, and the indignities done him there, Luke 23:32-23:38. VI. The conversion of one of the thieves, as Christ was hanging on the cross, Luke 23:39-23:43. VII. The death of Christ, and the prodigies that attended it, Luke 23:44-23:49. VIII. His burial, Luke 23:50-23:56. MHBCC 997.1