Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Luke 18

In this chapter we have, I. The parable of the importunate widow, designed to teach us fervency in prayer, Luke 18:1-18:8. II. The parable of the Pharisee and publican, designed to teach us humility, and humiliation for sin, in prayer, Luke 18:9-18:14. III. Christ’s favour to little children that were brought to him, Luke 18:15-18:17. IV. The trial of a rich man that had a mind to follow Christ, whether he loved better Christ or his riches; his coming short upon that trial; and Christ’s discourse with his disciples upon that occasion, Luke 18:18-18:30. V. Christ’s foretelling his own death and sufferings, Luke 18:31-18:34. VI. His restoring sight to a blind man, Luke 18:35-18:43. And these four passages we had before in Matthew and Mark. MHBCC 992.1