Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Luke 11

In this chapter, I. Christ teaches his disciples to pray, and quickens and encourages them to be frequent, instant, and importunate in prayer, Luke 11:1-11:13. II. He fully answers the blasphemous imputation of the Pharisees, who charged him with casting out devils by virtue of a compact and confederacy with Beelzebub, the prince of the devils, and shows the absurdity and wickedness of it, Luke 11:14-11:26. III. He shows the honour of obedient disciples to be greater than that of his own mother, Luke 11:27, 11:28. IV. He upbraids the men of that generation for their infidelity and obstinacy, notwithstanding all the means of conviction offered to them, Luke 11:29-11:36. V. He severely reproves the Pharisees and consciences of those that submitted to them, and their hating and persecuting those that witnessed against their wickedness, Luke 11:37-11:54. MHBCC 985.1