Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Leviticus 19

Some ceremonial precepts there are in this chapter, but most of them are moral. One would wonder that when some of the lighter matters of the law are greatly enlarged upon (witness two long chapters concerning the leprosy) many of the weightier matters are put into a little compass: divers of the single verses of this chapter contain whole laws concerning judgment and mercy; for these are things which are manifest in every man’s conscience; men’s own thoughts are able to explain these, and to comment upon them. I. The laws of this chapter, which were peculiar to the Jews, are, 1. Concerning their peace-offerings, Leviticus 19:5-19:8. 2. Concerning the gleanings of their fields, Leviticus 19:9, 19:10. 3. Against mixtures of their cattle, seed, and cloth, Leviticus 19:19. 4. Concerning their trees, Leviticus 19:23-19:25. 5. Against some superstitious usages, Leviticus 19:26-19:28. But, II. Most of these precepts are binding on us, for they are expositions of most of the ten commandments. 1. Here is the preface to the ten commandments, “I am the Lord,” repeated fifteen times. 2. A sum of the ten commandments. All the first table in this, “Be you holy,” Leviticus 19:2. All the second table in this, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour” (Leviticus 19:18), and an answer to the question, “Who is my neighbour?” Leviticus 19:33, 19:34. 3. Something of each commandment. (1.) The first commandment implied in that which is often repeated here, “I am your God.” And here is a prohibition of enchantment (Leviticus 19:26) and witchcraft (Leviticus 19:31), which make a god of the devil. (2.) Idolatry, against the second commandment, is forbidden, Leviticus 19:4. (3.) Profanation of God’s name, against the third, Leviticus 19:12. (4.) Sabbath-sanctification is pressed, Leviticus 19:3, 19:30. (5.) Children are required to honour their parents (Leviticus 19:3), and the aged, Leviticus 19:32. (6.) Hatred and revenge are here forbidden, against the sixth commandment, Leviticus 19:17, 19:18. (7.) Adultery (Leviticus 19:20-19:22), and whoredom, Leviticus 19:29. (8.) Justice is here required in judgment (Leviticus 19:15), theft forbidden (Leviticus 19:11), fraud and withholding dues (Leviticus 19:13), and false weights, Leviticus 19:35, 19:36. (9.) Lying, Leviticus 19:11. Slandering, Leviticus 19:14. Tale-bearing, and false-witness bearing, Leviticus 19:16. (10.) The tenth commandment laying a restraint upon the heart, so does that (Leviticus 19:17), “Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart.” And here is a solemn charge to observe all these statutes, Leviticus 19:37. Now these are things which need not much help for the understanding of them, but require constant care and watchfulness for the observing of them. “A good understanding have all those that do these commandments.” MHBCC 110.1