Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Mark 15

What we read of the sufferings of Christ, in the foregoing chapter, was but the prologue or introduction; here we have the completing of them. We left him condemned by the chief priests; but they could only show their teeth, they could not bite. Here we have him, I. Arraigned and accused before Pilate the Roman governor, Mark 15:1-15:5. II. Cried out against by the common people, at the instigation of the priests, Mark 15:6-15:14. III. Condemned to be crucified immediately, Mark 15:15. IV. Bantered and abused, as a mock-king, by the Roman soldiers, Mark 15:16-15:19. V. Led out to the place of execution with all possible ignominy and disgrace, Mark 15:20-15:24. VI. Nailed to the cross between two thieves, Mark 15:25-15:28. VII. Reviled and abused by all that passed by, Mark 15:29-15:32. VIII. Forsaken for a time by his father, Mark 15:33-15:36. IX. Dying, and rending the veil, Mark 15:37, 15:38. X. Attested and witnessed to by the centurion and others, Mark 15:39-15:41. XI. Buried in the sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea, Mark 15:42-15:47. MHBCC 973.1