Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Mark 10

In this chapter, we have, I. Christ’s dispute with the Pharisees concerning divorce, Mark 10:1-10:12. II. The kind entertainment he gave to the little children that were brought to him to be blessed, Mark 10:13-10:16. III. His trial of the rich man that enquired what he must do to get to heaven, Mark 10:17-10:22. IV. His discourse with his disciples, upon that occasion, concerning the peril of riches (Mark 10:23-10:27), and the advantage of being impoverished for his sake, Mark 10:28-10:31. V. The repeated notice he gave his disciples of his sufferings and death approaching, Mark 10:32-10:34. VI. The counsel he gave to James and John, to think of suffering with him, rather than of reigning with him, Mark 10:15-10:45. VII. The cure of Bartimeus, a poor blind man, Mark 10:46-10:52. All which passages of story we had the substance of before, Matthew 19:1-Matthew 20:34 MHBCC 968.1