Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Mark 9

In this chapter, we have, I. Christ’s transfiguration upon the mount, Mark 10:1-10:13. II. His casting the devil out of a child, when the disciples could not do it, Mark 10:14-10:29. III. His prediction of his own sufferings and death, Mark 10:30-10:32. IV. The check he gave to his disciples for disputing who should be greatest (Mark 10:33-10:37); and to John for rebuking one who cast out devils in Christ’s name, and did not follow with them, Mark 10:38-10:41. V. Christ’s discourse with his disciples of the danger of offending one of his little ones (Mark 10:42), and of indulging that in ourselves, which is an offence and an occasion of sin to us (Mark 10:43-10:50), most of which passages we had before, Matthew 17:1-Matthew 18:35 MHBCC 967.1