Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Leviticus 13

The next ceremonial uncleanness is that of the leprosy, concerning which the law was very large and particular; we have the discovery of it in this chapter, and the cleansing of the leper in the next. Scarcely any one thing in all the levitical law takes up so much room as this. I. Rules are here given by which the priest must judge whether the man had the leprosy or no, according as the symptom was that appeared. 1. If it was a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, Leviticus 13:1-13:17. 2. If it was a bile, Leviticus 13:18-13:23. 3. If it was in inflammation, Leviticus 13:24-13:28. 4. If it was in the head or beard, Leviticus 13:29-13:37. 5. If it was a bright spot, Leviticus 13:38, 13:39. 6. If it was in a bald head, Leviticus 13:40-13:44. II. Direction is given how the leper must be disposed of, Leviticus 13:45, 13:46. III. Concerning the leprosy in garments, Leviticus 13:47-13:59 MHBCC 104.1