Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Matthew 12

In this chapter, we have, I. Christ’s clearing of the law of the fourth commandment concerning the sabbath-day, and vindicating it from some superstitious notions advanced by the Jewish teachers; showing that works of necessity and mercy are to be done on that day, Matthew 12:1-12:13. II. The prudence, humility, and self-denial of our Lord Jesus in working his miracles, Matthew 12:14-12:21. III. Christ’s answer to the blasphemous cavils and calumnies of the scribes and Pharisees, who imputed his casting out devils to a compact with the devil, Matthew 12:22-12:37. IV. Christ’s reply to a tempting demand of the scribes and Pharisees, challenging him to show them a sign from heaven, Matthew 12:38-12:45. V. Christ’s judgment about his kindred and relations, Matthew 12:46-12:50. MHBCC 942.1