Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verses 14—34

Here, 1. The shelter and special protection that the church is under are signified by the curtains of hair-cloth, which were spread over the tabernacle, and the covering of rams’ skins and badgers’ skins over them, Exodus 36:14-36:19. God has provided for his people a shadow from the heat, and a covert from storm and rain, Isaiah 4:6. They are armed against all weathers; the sun and the moon shall not smite them: and they are protected from the storms of divine wrath, that hail which will sweep away the refuge of lies, Isaiah 28:17. Those that dwell in God’s house shall find, be the tempest ever so violent, or the dropping ever so continual, it does not rain in. 2. The strength and stability of the church, though it is but a tabernacle, are signified by the boards and bars with which the curtains were borne up, Exodus 36:20-36:34. The boards were coupled together and joined by the bars which shot through them; for the union of the church, and the hearty agreement of those that are its stays and supporters, contribute abundantly to its strength and establishment. MHBCC 87.5