Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Nahum 3

This chapter goes on with the burden of Nineveh, and concludes it. I. The sins of that great city are charged upon it, murder (Nahum 3:1), whoredom and witchcraft (Nahum 3:4), and a general extent of wickedness, Nahum 3:19. II. Judgments are here threatened against it, blood for blood (Nahum 3:2, 3:3), and shame for shameful sins, Nahum 3:5-3:7. III. Instances are given of the like desolations brought upon other places for the like sins, Nahum 3:8-3:11. IV. The overthrow of all those things which they depended upon, and put confidence in, is foretold, Nahum 3:12-3:19. MHBCC 904.1