Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Hosea 11

In this chapter we have, I. The great goodness of God towards his people Israel, and the great things he had done for them, Hosea 11:1, 11:3, 11:4. II. Their ungrateful conduct towards him, notwithstanding his favours towards them, Hosea 11:2-11:4, 11:7, 11:12. III. Threatenings of wrath against them for their ingratitude and treachery, Hosea 11:5, 11:6. IV. Mercy remembered in the midst of wrath, Hosea 11:8, 11:9. V. Promises of what God would yet do for them, Hosea 11:10, 11:11. VI. An honourable character given of Judah, Hosea 11:12. MHBCC 874.1