Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Ezekiel 48

In this chapter we have particular directions given for the distribution of the land, of which we had the metes and bounds assigned in the foregoing chapter. I. The portions of the twelve tribes, seven to the north of the sanctuary (Ezekiel 48:1-48:7) and five to the south, Ezekiel 48:23-48:29. II. The allotment of land for the sanctuary, and the priests (Ezekiel 48:8-48:11), for the Levites (Ezekiel 48:12-48:14), for the city (Ezekiel 48:15-48:20), and for the prince, Ezekiel 48:21, 48:22. Much of this we had before, Ezekiel 45:1-45:25 III. A plan of the city, its gates, and the new name given to it (Ezekiel 48:30-48:35), which seals up, and concludes, the vision and prophecy of this book. MHBCC 851.1