Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Ezekiel 20

In this chapter, I. The prophet is consulted by some of the elders of Israel, Ezekiel 20:1. II. He is instructed by his God what answer to give them. He must, 1. Signify God’s displeasure against them, Ezekiel 20:2, 20:3. And, 2. He must show them what just cause he had for that displeasure, by giving them a history of God’s grateful dealings with their fathers and their treacherous dealings with God. (1.) In Egypt, Ezekiel 20:5-20:9. (2.) In the wilderness, Ezekiel 20:10-20:26. (3.) In Canaan, Ezekiel 20:27-20:32. 3. He must denounce the judgments of God against them, Ezekiel 20:33-20:36. 4. He must tell them likewise what mercy God had in store for them, when he would bring a remnant of them to repentance, re-establish them in their own land, and set up his sanctuary among them again, Ezekiel 20:37-20:44. 5. Here is another word dropped towards Jerusalem, which is explained and enlarged upon in the next chapter, Ezekiel 20:45-20:49. MHBCC 823.1