Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Exodus 17

Two passages of story are recorded in this chapter, I. The watering of the host of Israel. 1. In the wilderness they wanted water, Exodus 17:1. 2. In their want they chided Moses, Exodus 17:2, 17:3. 3. Moses cried to God, Exodus 17:4. 4. God ordered him to smite the rock, and fetch water out of that; Moses did so, Exodus 17:5, 17:6. 5. The place named from it, Exodus 17:7. II. The defeating of the host of Amalek. 1. The victory obtained by the prayer of Moses, Exodus 17:8-17:12. 2. By the sword of Joshua, Exodus 17:13. 3. A record kept of it, Exodus 17:14, 17:16. And these things which happened to them are written for our instruction in our spiritual journey and warfare. MHBCC 68.1