Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Jeremiah 26

As in the history of the Acts of the Apostles that of their preaching and that of their suffering are interwoven, so it is in the account we have of the prophet Jeremiah; witness this chapter, where we are told, I. How faithfully he preached, Jeremiah 26:1-26:6. II. How spitefully he was persecuted for so doing by the priests and the prophets, Jeremiah 26:7-26:11. III. How bravely he stood to his doctrine, in the face of his persecutors, Jeremiah 26:12-26:15. IV. How wonderfully he was protected and delivered by the prudence of the princes and elders, Jeremiah 26:16-26:19. Though Urijah, another prophet, was about the same time put to death by Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 26:20-26:23), yet Jeremiah met with those that sheltered him, Jeremiah 26:24. MHBCC 772.1