Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Exodus 16

This chapter gives us an account of the victualling of the camp of Israel. I. Their complaint for want of bread, Exodus 16:1-16:3. II. The notice God gave them beforehand of the provision he intended to make for them, Exodus 16:4-16:12. III. The sending of the manna, Exodus 16:13-16:15. IV. The laws and orders concerning the manna. 1. That they should gather it daily for their daily bread, Exodus 16:16-16:21. 2. That they should gather a double portion on the sixth day, Exodus 16:22-16:26. 3. That they should expect none on the seventh day, Exodus 16:27-16:31. 4. That they should preserve a pot of it for a memorial, Exodus 16:32-16:36 MHBCC 67.1