Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Jeremiah 6

In this chapter, as before, we have, I. A prophecy of the invading of the land of Judah and the besieging of Jerusalem by the Chaldean army (Jeremiah 6:1-6:6), with the spoils they should make of the country (Jeremiah 6:9) and the terror which all should be seized with on that occasion, Jeremiah 6:22-6:26. II. An account of those sins of Judah and Jerusalem which provoked God to bring this desolating judgment upon them. Their oppression (Jeremiah 6:7), their contempt of the word of God (Jeremiah 6:10-6:12), their worldliness (Jeremiah 6:13), the treachery of their prophets (Jeremiah 6:14), their impudence in sin (Jeremiah 6:15), their obstinacy against reproofs (Jeremiah 6:18, 6:19), which made their sacrifices unacceptable to him (Jeremiah 6:20), and for which he gave them up to ruin (Jeremiah 6:21), but tried them first (Jeremiah 6:27) and then rejected them as irreclaimable, Jeremiah 6:28-6:30. III. Good counsel given them in the midst of all this, but in vain, Jeremiah 6:8, 6:16, 6:17. MHBCC 752.1