Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Isaiah 55

As we had much of Christ in the Isaiah 53:1-53:12, and much of the church of Christ in the Isaiah 54:1-54:17, so in this chapter we have much of the covenant of grace made with us in Christ. The “sure mercies of David,” which are promised here (Isaiah 55:3), are applied by the apostle to the benefits which flow to us from the resurrection of Christ (Acts 13:34), which may serve as a key to this chapter; not but that it was intended for the comfort of the people of God that lived then, especially of the captives in Babylon, and others of the dispersed of Israel; but unto us was this gospel preached as well as unto them, and much more clearly and fully in the New Testament. Here is, I. A free and gracious invitation to all to come and take the benefit of gospel grace, Isaiah 55:1. II. Pressing arguments to enforce this invitation, Isaiah 55:2-55:4. III. A promise of the success of this invitation among the Gentiles, Isaiah 55:5. IV. An exhortation to repentance and reformation, with great encouragement given to hope for pardon thereupon, Isaiah 55:6-55:9. V. The ratification of all this, with the certain efficacy of the word of God, Isaiah 55:10, 55:11. And a particular instance of the accomplishment of it in the return of the Jews out of their captivity, which was intended for a sign of the accomplishment of all these other promises. MHBCC 735.1