Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Ecclesiastes 9

Solomon, in this chapter, for a further proof of the vanity of this world, gives us four observations which he had made upon a survey of the state of the children of men in it:—I. He observed that commonly as to outward things, good and bad men fare much alike, Ecclesiastes 9:1-9:3. II. That death puts a final period to all our employments and enjoyments in this world (Ecclesiastes 9:4-9:6), whence he infers that it is our wisdom to enjoy the comforts of life and mind the business of life, while it lasts, Ecclesiastes 9:7-9:10. III. That God’s providence often crosses the fairest and most hopeful probabilities of men’s endeavour, and great calamities often surprise men ere they are aware, Ecclesiastes 9:11, 9:12. IV. That wisdom often makes men very useful, and yet gains them little respect, for that persons of great merit are slighted, Ecclesiastes 9:13-9:18. And what is there then in this world that should make us fond of it? MHBCC 669.1