Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 130

This psalm relates not to any temporal concern, either personal or public, but it is wholly taken up with the affairs of the soul. It is reckoned one of the seven penitential psalms, which have sometimes been made use of by penitents, upon their admission into the church; and, in singing it, we are all concerned to apply it to ourselves. The psalmist here expresses, I. His desire towards God, Psalms 130:1, 130:2. II. His repentance before God, Psalms 130:3, 130:4. III. His attendance upon God, Psalms 130:5, 130:6. IV. His expectations from God, Psalms 130:7, 130:8. And, as in water face answers to face, so does the heart of one humble penitent to another. MHBCC 609.1